Wednesday, May 6, 2009

True story that my grandma told me a long time ago

I was just thinking about how much we rely on cellphones and internet these days. I don't think that I have ever left the house without my cell...I know for sure that at least a couple of times I had to return home to get it. I want to make sure that I can be in touch with my family, and to just make sure I can call someone in case of emergency. BUT how about back 20, 30 years ago? How did people comunicate? Well, my grandmother told me a long time ago that right after she got married with my grandpa, he had to leave to go to war. That was war world II. She was so upset that she won't be able to have him by her side and she didn't know how will he return home, and the biggest fear was that he will come back in a casket. I can't even imagine how nervewrecking that was, but the only thing that kept her going, my grandma said, was praying. Prayer is always the key. On her knees every morning every night, she prayed for her beloved husband, and she couldn't call him or check on him make sure he is ok. Three months of not knowing where the man of her life is at. Three months of fast and prayer. Three months where she couldn't wait to hear something about him, when one day somebody walks in her front yard and calls her name. It was one of the neighbors, holding a paper. While walking back from working the fields, this man had found a letter on the grass. He stopped and picked it up, and started reading. Fortunately he had enough education to read the letter that was wrote from a husband to a wife. It was my grandpa's letter that was found on the grass. When my grandma got to this point in her story I couldn't wait to hear HOW in the world did that letter make it in my grandma's village...and how in the world would someone just pick up a piece of paper laying on the grass ?????????????? I thought it was just a story, and it is, its a true story. In the letter was written: "My dear wife, I am in the train coming back from the war, and heading in the capital of the country to the hospital. I was shot in the leg, but I will be fine.I asked somebody to write the letter for me, and I was thinking that if I drop it off the window when the train will make it by our village somebody will find this and give it to you...."He also made sure he put the name of the hospital in the letter....and the reason for having somebody else write the letter was because he had no schooling whatsoever. HE did not know how to write or read, he was just one of those poor guys born on a farm and worked the farm ever since he started walking. Anyways, I just felt like this story needed to be shared, because it;s just so powerful. The way GOD listens to our prayers its simply amazing. He is always watching over us, just like God watched over that letter that my grandpa wrote my grandma and let out the window that day. GOD made sure somebody will pick it up and take it to her to ease her pain and make her feel better. I really wish that those days people will trust and pray like my grandma used to do and like my mother still does. So, my grandmother packed some food that next day, and headed to the capital to find the hospital and find the love of her life and be there for him. My grandpa came home one month later and his leg never healed. He was in bed for 10 years after what happened, in the war, my grandma never stopped loving him. There are many more stories that she shared with me, but that will be another blog.

I will always feel encouraged by her stories and her LOVE!

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