Tuesday, May 12, 2009

God healed my mom's brain tumor

There is a very important story that everyone needs to hear. My father passed away when I was 2 years old and my sister was 11 months. My mother decided that she will never get married again because her main focus was me and my sister.

Well, we grew up and got so close to eachother. I started helping my mom around ever since i could walk. I remember that I had a key around my neck and that was the house key. I was responsible enough for my mom to give me the key to the apartment, and responsible enough to go shopping for bread and little things that I could carry at 6 years old. I took care of my sister and played with her while my mother was cooking or cleaning and soon enough I started helping her out with the household as well.
My grandmother, my mom's mom decided to take my baby sister at her house for as long as it took my mom to get some bills paid and to get herself together after my fathers death. So basicly my mom and i lived together while my sister was living with my grandma. that happened for about 2 years, of course we visited every weekend and spend the weekend together at my grandmas.

Every morning at 5 am I would wake up with my mom and she would take me at the day care that was 2-3 minutes away from her office. After the day care hours, I would go at my moms office and stay there until she was done, sometimes it was after 10 pm when we got home. It was hard times and i remember every bit of it. It was so hard to see my mom cry all the time and talk about my dad. My heart was breaking seeing my mother miss the love of her life. I missed my daddy too, but I didnt remember that much about him. Anyways, since my mom and I were spending more of the time together, often i was outside playing with my neighbors daughters. We had lots of fun until one afternoon my neighbor called my name from our balcony. I knew that if someone else its calling me home from my house, something must be wrong. I run up the stairs and it seemed to be forever to get up to the 5th story. My heart was pounding out of my chest, thast how scared i was, and here I come facing my worse fear, loosing my mom.

She was laying down on the floor, my neighbors were all around her, she was white as snow, and she was not saying a word. She didnt know who I was and that freaked me out. My neighbors called the ambulance and they took my mom away. I had no clue what to do, I had never been through that before. I was 7 years of age when my mom was taken away from me for the first time. I went back to the apartment and I was lost, I didnt know what had happened to my mother, because no one would answer me. i wasnt allowed to go to the hospital with her, the only thing i could do is STAY HOME and WAIT FOR THE PHONE CALL that would answer my questions.....i waited and waited and waited. Late that night my neighbor took me to see my mother in the hospital. I was so happy to see the woman i love so much alive. She was breathing and thats all i nedeed to see. I ignored all the tubes and doctors that were around her. She was smiling and she was breathing, when she askes the doctors who is that little girl. They told her that I am her daughter, and she said that she has no children. I couldn't have been more upsed to see that my mom for some reason has lost her memory. It was heartbreaking.

Two days later, she recovered and her memory came back. She remained in the hospital for a few more days while I was living with my neighbors. She seemed to be ok when she returned home, but few days later she fainted again. There we go again, my worst nightmare. My mom was ill, and I did not even want to think about loosing her. A few months later she goes in a different city that was known for a higher technology and for better doctors. She goes and gets all kinds of tests done and all came out to this, she had major brain tumors that was affecting her memory and much more. She comes home and she wanted me to know whats going on. She prepaired me for life. I knew everything about paying bills, I knew everything about how to clean the house and how to feed myself. At just 8 years old, I knew how to take care of my sister and how to feed her, how to give her a bath and how to make the bed. She tought me how to make a bad, how to use a wash machine, how to do dishes and put them back. I knew everything that I could safely do at that age. My homeworks for school were always done in time even though I have never been the best in school. I always did my best. I remember going to bed and crying out to GOD and please him to heal my mom. She was the one that was ironing my clothes for next morning for school, and that was the only thing that I didnt do on my own. Seeing those clothes hanging from the door put tears in my eyes. I woke up every once in a while and put my hand on my mom's heart to see if it was pounding. I did that and cryied for so long. I never slept by myself. I wanted to make sure she is breathing every minute. I know that GOD heard my prayers. I asked Him to consider the fact that I cannot iron my clothes yet, and to please let her live a little longer. I wasnt ready to loose my mom. I will NEVER be ready to loose her! She is the most important woman in my life. One year later, after my mother was put on medication, she was going back for new test. That year was a year of prayer. I heard my grandma talking about fasting and I tried it. Of course at I couldn;t do it for more than 4 hours at a time. I woke up every morning went to school,and i fasted for about 3-4 hours, and prayed for my mom during brake time. I knew she was due for testing.

Here we are, my mom had left with one of her best friends to get those tests done. The results came back. The doctors were shocked. No one told us why are they shocked. My mother was shocked too, because the doctors wouldnt tell her whats wrong. They wanted to do more and more tests, because they thought there were errors on the results....3 tests later, they told my mother that they cannot find those TUMORS. PRAISE GOD, my prayer was listened to. My mother was not going to die, my mother was going to live and raise me and my sister. So yeah, my GOD touched my mother in such a special way that those tumors dissolved. Doctors were ready for surgery but I was ready for a miracle. They were ready to tell her bad results, but my GOD turned it all around. I will never forget what God brought us trough and out of. HE was the only GOD , He is the only GOD and He will be the only GOD!!!!

I hope you guys are encouraged by my story. It is true because I experienced every inch of it. Miracles didn't stop there, they are happening to us everyday. I praise God for everything He will continue to do. My mother is healthy and living a great life with GOD!

Me and my role model, in February 2009.
She is the best mother in the UNIVERSE
and we are and going to be best friends forever!
I love you mom!!!

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