Tuesday, May 12, 2009

God healed my mom's brain tumor

There is a very important story that everyone needs to hear. My father passed away when I was 2 years old and my sister was 11 months. My mother decided that she will never get married again because her main focus was me and my sister.

Well, we grew up and got so close to eachother. I started helping my mom around ever since i could walk. I remember that I had a key around my neck and that was the house key. I was responsible enough for my mom to give me the key to the apartment, and responsible enough to go shopping for bread and little things that I could carry at 6 years old. I took care of my sister and played with her while my mother was cooking or cleaning and soon enough I started helping her out with the household as well.
My grandmother, my mom's mom decided to take my baby sister at her house for as long as it took my mom to get some bills paid and to get herself together after my fathers death. So basicly my mom and i lived together while my sister was living with my grandma. that happened for about 2 years, of course we visited every weekend and spend the weekend together at my grandmas.

Every morning at 5 am I would wake up with my mom and she would take me at the day care that was 2-3 minutes away from her office. After the day care hours, I would go at my moms office and stay there until she was done, sometimes it was after 10 pm when we got home. It was hard times and i remember every bit of it. It was so hard to see my mom cry all the time and talk about my dad. My heart was breaking seeing my mother miss the love of her life. I missed my daddy too, but I didnt remember that much about him. Anyways, since my mom and I were spending more of the time together, often i was outside playing with my neighbors daughters. We had lots of fun until one afternoon my neighbor called my name from our balcony. I knew that if someone else its calling me home from my house, something must be wrong. I run up the stairs and it seemed to be forever to get up to the 5th story. My heart was pounding out of my chest, thast how scared i was, and here I come facing my worse fear, loosing my mom.

She was laying down on the floor, my neighbors were all around her, she was white as snow, and she was not saying a word. She didnt know who I was and that freaked me out. My neighbors called the ambulance and they took my mom away. I had no clue what to do, I had never been through that before. I was 7 years of age when my mom was taken away from me for the first time. I went back to the apartment and I was lost, I didnt know what had happened to my mother, because no one would answer me. i wasnt allowed to go to the hospital with her, the only thing i could do is STAY HOME and WAIT FOR THE PHONE CALL that would answer my questions.....i waited and waited and waited. Late that night my neighbor took me to see my mother in the hospital. I was so happy to see the woman i love so much alive. She was breathing and thats all i nedeed to see. I ignored all the tubes and doctors that were around her. She was smiling and she was breathing, when she askes the doctors who is that little girl. They told her that I am her daughter, and she said that she has no children. I couldn't have been more upsed to see that my mom for some reason has lost her memory. It was heartbreaking.

Two days later, she recovered and her memory came back. She remained in the hospital for a few more days while I was living with my neighbors. She seemed to be ok when she returned home, but few days later she fainted again. There we go again, my worst nightmare. My mom was ill, and I did not even want to think about loosing her. A few months later she goes in a different city that was known for a higher technology and for better doctors. She goes and gets all kinds of tests done and all came out to this, she had major brain tumors that was affecting her memory and much more. She comes home and she wanted me to know whats going on. She prepaired me for life. I knew everything about paying bills, I knew everything about how to clean the house and how to feed myself. At just 8 years old, I knew how to take care of my sister and how to feed her, how to give her a bath and how to make the bed. She tought me how to make a bad, how to use a wash machine, how to do dishes and put them back. I knew everything that I could safely do at that age. My homeworks for school were always done in time even though I have never been the best in school. I always did my best. I remember going to bed and crying out to GOD and please him to heal my mom. She was the one that was ironing my clothes for next morning for school, and that was the only thing that I didnt do on my own. Seeing those clothes hanging from the door put tears in my eyes. I woke up every once in a while and put my hand on my mom's heart to see if it was pounding. I did that and cryied for so long. I never slept by myself. I wanted to make sure she is breathing every minute. I know that GOD heard my prayers. I asked Him to consider the fact that I cannot iron my clothes yet, and to please let her live a little longer. I wasnt ready to loose my mom. I will NEVER be ready to loose her! She is the most important woman in my life. One year later, after my mother was put on medication, she was going back for new test. That year was a year of prayer. I heard my grandma talking about fasting and I tried it. Of course at I couldn;t do it for more than 4 hours at a time. I woke up every morning went to school,and i fasted for about 3-4 hours, and prayed for my mom during brake time. I knew she was due for testing.

Here we are, my mom had left with one of her best friends to get those tests done. The results came back. The doctors were shocked. No one told us why are they shocked. My mother was shocked too, because the doctors wouldnt tell her whats wrong. They wanted to do more and more tests, because they thought there were errors on the results....3 tests later, they told my mother that they cannot find those TUMORS. PRAISE GOD, my prayer was listened to. My mother was not going to die, my mother was going to live and raise me and my sister. So yeah, my GOD touched my mother in such a special way that those tumors dissolved. Doctors were ready for surgery but I was ready for a miracle. They were ready to tell her bad results, but my GOD turned it all around. I will never forget what God brought us trough and out of. HE was the only GOD , He is the only GOD and He will be the only GOD!!!!

I hope you guys are encouraged by my story. It is true because I experienced every inch of it. Miracles didn't stop there, they are happening to us everyday. I praise God for everything He will continue to do. My mother is healthy and living a great life with GOD!

Me and my role model, in February 2009.
She is the best mother in the UNIVERSE
and we are and going to be best friends forever!
I love you mom!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Pictures of the day of me and my boys

The love of my life! (a little blury but its because i took it...lol)

That's my RAMBO

Diesel is growing up...wearing Rambo's bandana...
Hope ya'll enjoy it:D

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

True story that my grandma told me a long time ago

I was just thinking about how much we rely on cellphones and internet these days. I don't think that I have ever left the house without my cell...I know for sure that at least a couple of times I had to return home to get it. I want to make sure that I can be in touch with my family, and to just make sure I can call someone in case of emergency. BUT how about back 20, 30 years ago? How did people comunicate? Well, my grandmother told me a long time ago that right after she got married with my grandpa, he had to leave to go to war. That was war world II. She was so upset that she won't be able to have him by her side and she didn't know how will he return home, and the biggest fear was that he will come back in a casket. I can't even imagine how nervewrecking that was, but the only thing that kept her going, my grandma said, was praying. Prayer is always the key. On her knees every morning every night, she prayed for her beloved husband, and she couldn't call him or check on him make sure he is ok. Three months of not knowing where the man of her life is at. Three months of fast and prayer. Three months where she couldn't wait to hear something about him, when one day somebody walks in her front yard and calls her name. It was one of the neighbors, holding a paper. While walking back from working the fields, this man had found a letter on the grass. He stopped and picked it up, and started reading. Fortunately he had enough education to read the letter that was wrote from a husband to a wife. It was my grandpa's letter that was found on the grass. When my grandma got to this point in her story I couldn't wait to hear HOW in the world did that letter make it in my grandma's village...and how in the world would someone just pick up a piece of paper laying on the grass ?????????????? I thought it was just a story, and it is, its a true story. In the letter was written: "My dear wife, I am in the train coming back from the war, and heading in the capital of the country to the hospital. I was shot in the leg, but I will be fine.I asked somebody to write the letter for me, and I was thinking that if I drop it off the window when the train will make it by our village somebody will find this and give it to you...."He also made sure he put the name of the hospital in the letter....and the reason for having somebody else write the letter was because he had no schooling whatsoever. HE did not know how to write or read, he was just one of those poor guys born on a farm and worked the farm ever since he started walking. Anyways, I just felt like this story needed to be shared, because it;s just so powerful. The way GOD listens to our prayers its simply amazing. He is always watching over us, just like God watched over that letter that my grandpa wrote my grandma and let out the window that day. GOD made sure somebody will pick it up and take it to her to ease her pain and make her feel better. I really wish that those days people will trust and pray like my grandma used to do and like my mother still does. So, my grandmother packed some food that next day, and headed to the capital to find the hospital and find the love of her life and be there for him. My grandpa came home one month later and his leg never healed. He was in bed for 10 years after what happened, in the war, my grandma never stopped loving him. There are many more stories that she shared with me, but that will be another blog.

I will always feel encouraged by her stories and her LOVE!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

When I left Romania for the first time

I could never really believe that my entire life will fit in two luggages and a carry-on, but somehow it did. I left Romania and my entire childhood with it. My family and friends, now they were all behind. It was hard for a moment, but I knew that I was going to start a new life with my husband. It was my first time traveling by myself and it was very scary. I never thought that I can do it on my own. I prayed and prayed that God will guide my steps through the airport and help me know where I am going. As silly as it sounds I have never flew before, i have never been out of my country before, and all of a sudden I have to take my ticket and leave. I also knew that my mom will be there for me in prayer. She is always praying. There is not one thing in life that she is not puting it before God, and i knew that I was protected because my mom was on her knees, praying for her daughter. Here I am, the last time I will see my sister and mom for who knows how long.....I check in and I have to go to the gate. Tears were rolling down my face, and my heart felt like it was shrinking. I was all alone but yet God was holding my hand. I take a sit, not knowing whats going on or where I should go, and this girl starts talking to me. She was a total stranger, but I felt like I knew her for the longest time. We talked and talked, and realised that from my hometown, we were going to fly together to Germany, on the same plane and then from there she would take another flight to another state, but she made sure I know that i don;t have to worry about where to go and what to do, she flew before. Thanks mom, God already took me in His arms....but what will I do after that? How will I know where to go from there? I knew that i had to go through immigration and then find my luggage and then find my way out....but that seemed to overwhelm me. Fear took over me once again. We arrive in Germany and we have to split up. I needed to head my way and that girl nedeed to chatch her flight as well. Total oposit directions. Here we go Lord.....where to now? I finally found my way, I get in the plane and sit down, hoping that God will show mercy ONCE AGAIN. This very tall guy comes towards me, and sits down. We started talking and talking and for at least 10 hours straight this guys talked and talked and talked. Was I happy? Not really because I wanted to sleep...I was tired. But then again, it just felt so right, it just felt like he is send from God to help me to my next stop. When we landed he told me that he will help me get around the airport, and I imediately took him up on that one. Thank you very much, i will definetly appreciate that sir!

We go in the immigration office, he leaves after about 5 minutes, and I was next at the interview. The immigration officer took my papers and I promise you it took around 1 1/2 to get a response. I did not even have a chance to say goodbye or thank this nice gentleman. After I was done it was very close to 2 hours, and I was so scared to even get out of that office, because I had no clue where to go next. I open the door and the same guy that talked to me for 10 hours was waiting patiently at the door. I could not believe my eyes, for a little bit i thought I was day dreaming. He waited there for me so he can help me with my luggage. Why would someone in the whole entire wide world....would do that? I will always rememeber that.IT was so GOD!!! He helps me with my luggage and takes me to the door where Jayme was waiting. Jayme thought I never made it, after waiting 2 extra hours. The guy disapears and I have no clue where he went, i just know that all this time it was GOD that carried me. When I tought i only see a set of footsteps God didnt leave me, HE took me in His arms and carried me! Thank You Jesus, I knew that you will always be there for me!

This was me, my sister and my mom the night I left

My mom and grandma. She passed away in 2008
and it was one of the hardest thing
not to be able to see her one last time

Monday, May 4, 2009

Our lazy babies

Jayme and I have two beautiful dogs. We consider them our babies. One of them is an English Mastiff, and the other is an American Bulldog. We love them and they love us, but most important is that they love eachother. Here are some pictures you can look at:

This is Diesel, when we first got him:
And this is Rambo at 1 year and 6 months, 150Lb.....

They pretty much OWN the couch
and chair and recliner....and the floors

They love cuddling together!

When you take care of God's business,He takes care of yours!

I remember when I was 14 years old, and I was a part of this prayer group in Sibiu, my hometown. It was so wonderful to go and be able to share God and to fellowship with my brothers and sisters. That was the first day when God really placed such a desire in my heart to pray for a husband. Yeah right, God! Im 14, there's no need for me to pray for that, not yet...

(thats what I was thinking). I find myself crying and asking God to protect my husband wherever he is and to watch over him, even though I have no clue who he is. So that was one of my main things that I really seeked God's will for. I never had a boyfriend, because I was always just scared of giving away my first kiss, my first hug, my first in everything, and I decided that I will just let God take control of it, and I will wait for the appointed time.

Its was hard to go to highschool and not have a boyfriend when everyone else does....it just feels weird to be the one that no one likes to hang out with. I was the one always left behind, the one that no one really liked talking to. I had so much in me to give, I had so much to say, but I just probably wasn't cool enough.Oh well....

All my way through high school I worked in the villages with children, twice a week. The ministry I worked with its' called "Touching lives for Jesus". I loved beeing able to minister to those kids that no one pays to much attention to. I loved beeing the one to bring the good news to them. They were such a joy to my heart, a joy like no other. I had such a great purpouse every day. I couldn't wait to share more of the Gospel with them, I couldn't wait to go every Wednesday and teach them something new.Every Sunday we were having so much fun reading in the word and learning new songs. I could read the hunger for GOD in their little eyes, the way they were learing and the passion they had for our Saviour was just taking me to a new level in Christ each and every day. I forgot all about having a boyfriend or beeing the coolest girl in highschool. You might wonder what is the reason of bringing this up so much, but you will see later on the story.

I started working in the villages in 2001 and my classes were always having over 30 children. That was and will always be part of my life.

It was a late saturday night , December 2004 when I received a phone call from the administrator of the ministry in Romania, and I was asked to translate for an american pastor and his friend on Sunday morning. I didnt expect that phone call at all, not at 11PM. I felt like I really had to do it. It wasn't my first time translating, I was actually pretty comfortable at going in the village curches and preaching, so I said YES, without thinking about it to much. I just felt like something was going to happen. What? I had no clue.

Here we are, my friend picks me up early Sunday morning and on the way to the hotel to pick up the pastor and his friend, he tells me that we might split in two teams, so we can preach in more than one church in that day, and I was ok with that. Here we are, waiting inside the hotel to meet the guest, when the biggest guy I have ever met in my life walks towards us, accompained by a lot smaller guy who appears to be the big guy's pastor. This handsome boy was around 29 years old, 6'4"...and no one ever made me feel so small in my life. I was introduced to him and the first thing that goes through my mind is" his wife must be very lucky because this is the type of man I want to marry" I loved everything about this guy. The size, the way he looked at me, the way he talked, the passion he had for my GOD,everything about him was perfect. He must be married, or he must have a girlfriend kept going through my mind.... We started talking and sharing stories about all kinds of things that I don't even remember because I was to preocupied with wondering if there will ever be someone like him set aside for me.... This was MR. RIGHT in my eyes...but I could only dare thinking about it....

Anyways, our first service, here we are in the front of the church. It was such a special time. A very little church in a very small village in Romania. Not a lot of people but a lot of God filling every empty spot. It was such an anointing all over that place. After we were done preaching, he wants to pray for the sick, and i felt like GOD was telling me to go and lay hands with him and pray with him as well. So there I go, right besides him praying for the sick, tears rolling down my cheek because people were accepting Jesus as Lord and Saviour, and people were praying for their lost families, it was so touching. Everything felt so right. This man besides me had a heart and passion for the same thing I did. He loves God just as much as I do, Jesus, this feels so right,being here with this man, praying with your people. It was one of those night I will never forget. I find myself opening my eyes and Jayme was starring at me. For a second we made eye contact and something just felt very weird. The service is over, we go outside and fellowship with people for a little while longer and he askes me:Did God tell you anything? and I go...no, was He supposed to say something? That question made me very confused. I had no clue what he ment by that....and he just simply tells me :oh, don't worry He will tell you!"

Hmm...that night there was no way i could fall asleep. I was thinking and wondering if there was anything that I said or did wrong....that God was gonna tell me about...but its sounded too weird, it can't be that, must be something else...SO, i started praying. I felt such a burden to pray that God will reveal the face of the man that I am going to marry. I totally told God, that I want to see the man that I will spend the rest of my life with. I dont care if I know him or not, I am ready to have the answer of my long time prayer. I was 17 and i felt like I am ready to know. I felt asleep in my God;s presence and I felt the warmth He surrounded me with.

Monday morning 3:25 am...yeah, you got it right. I wake up all of a sudden, very scared, I had all the reasons, because JAYME was sitting on my bed, holding my feet, and watching over me while sleeping!!!! THERE IS NO WAY I will get out of this alive. If my mom knows that this guy is in my house at 3 am, she will totally kill me. I get up...walk in the kitchen, get a cup of water, and freaked out, I walk back in my room, to have this guy leave the house, before I get in a WHOLE LOTTTTT OF TROUBLE. I walk back in...guess what? There was no one there. It was just God waiting to talk to me. It was so clear when He told me "That is the man I have for you, my daughter"....I knew it. That was it. The answer to my prayers was here. This guy that I knew it had something special....Mr. RIGHT was only a couple of miles away from me this time, but still so far away...NOW WHAT !GOD? ! Am i gonna go tell him that... what!? Im supposed to be His wife!? That I want him to marry me!? I wouldn't do that...never will I go tell a guy I like him! PERIOD! Once again here I am, having to ask God to fix that little issue, but He already knew I was gonna ask, because He knew me before I was eve born. He had all this planned out.

Monday , I get a phone call from JAYME, and he asked me if I want to go to dinner.I asked permission from my mom, and I told him that i will go. It was one of those perfect winter days. It was snowing so calm, and everything seemed to be part of a fairy tale. I knew that God has a sense of humor, but I never knew He was so funny. So now I knew that i am supposed to tell this guy about my dream.What if he is married? What if i was wrong? What if ...what if....what if? I was not going to bring the subject up no matter what, when all of a sudden, Jayme askes me if I want to know what happened that Sunday and why he asked me if God told me anything. YEAH I WANNA KNOW!!

-Well God told me that you will be my wife!

WHAT?!?!?!?! me what? Are you sure? Because the night before God told me that I will be your wife and you will be my husband.....is it true that God just told both of us that we are ment to be together?

Yeah, that is how it happened. That Sunday in the church when we made eye contact was when God told jayme: thats the wife you've been praying to meet at the altar! There she is at the altar, that will be your wife!

Isn't God an awesome God? When the Bible says that He knows us before we were even born, how awesome and true is that. What a plan He had for our lifes! Jayme and I have been happily married for 2 years, and we are looking forward for the next 98 together. I just thought I would share the great story about how I met my husband. I might not be the best writer in the World, but I am going to start blogging about every miracle that God did in my life!